Art Commissons
What will/will not you draw?
Fan Art
Original Characters
Detailed Backgrounds​
High Fantasy​
Will Not
High levels of Gore

Profile/Portrait: $25
(additional characters, +15 each)
Half Body Print: $35
(additional characters, +$20 each)
Full-body Print: $55
(additional characters, + $25 each)
Tarot Card: $80
(additional characters, + $20 each)

3D Modeling Commissons

What kind of 3D Models do you make?
I specifically kitbash models for VRChat.
Right now I can make “Social Models”,
which is your average VRChat Model.
I also can make “Combat Models”
(if it’s not a lot of Particle work.)
I do not do NSFW Models
My Base Price is $70.
Additional fees...
Toggle Emotes (Max 5): +$5
Additional: + $2 each
Adding Gogo Loco: +$5
Combat Model: + $50 to $70
(Depending on difficulty)
Toggle Clothes &
Accessories/Props (Max 3)
Additional: + $2 each
Additional Outfits
(With toggles inculded)
whether the outfit is on the same model or a diffrent model is up to the customer

Like the Worlds these photos were taken in? The name of the image shows the Name of the World and the Author. Go check them out!
What is Kitbashing?
Kitbashing is when you take multiple parts of other 3D models and put them together.
For example, my Shadowringa Model here is a Sakuya v1 from 星ワタリノ空 with the clothes being Vroid assets from Virtuo & the OFUJI STORE and the Hair being from Ganyu from Genshin Impact
Video Editing Commissons
Video Commissions are closed until I get a new program.
I can no longer afford Premiere Pro and must find an alternative.
Tiktoks or Youtube Shorts:
1 Video = $5
10 Videos = $60
20 Videos = $120
Youtube Videos:
$20 per hour
Example of Work:
View at @RidersLorten

Customer Responsibilities
The Customer is responsible for…
Writing down & Gathering what you want for the Commission
If I already have something for your Model Commission, you do not need to send it but still write it down.
Sending me References/Assets/Videos to me via Google Doc
Paying half the planned Commission price Via Paypal ONLY, and the rest after the Commission is done
There are no refunds
Any changes that might affect the price of the Commission, after the planning phase...
If the Base Price is changed, the customer is to pay the missing amount from the half-price and pay the rest of the new Base Price after the Commission is finished
​Addtionals are to be paid upfront
Customers cannot…
Claim my work as your own
Resell my work as your own
Use my work for Commercial Means